It has come to my attention recently that I need to post some of my previous work online. I have been meaning to do this for quite some time now, and the opportunity finally came up for me to get some of my old pictures scanned and put online. I am happy to present a few entries showing my previous works, all of them stained glass or leaded lights. They each mean a lot to me, and I hope, to the recipient. *Side note- I do not have any of these panels in my possession. All of them live with their recipients.
The first is the panel that I created for a People's Prize tournament in Calafia in the Kingdom of Caid years ago. I don't remember the specific date, but I do recall it was at Calafian Anniversary. I had been inspired by the knight panels at Tewkesbury Abbey in England, and had created a panel for His Grace, Duke Armand de Sevigny to enter for my first Laurel's Prize Tourney held at Great Western War I. I had such a good time creating it that I wanted to give it a go a second time, and so I asked Baron Master Korwyn Arionnod if he would be my subject. As he was the Knight of my then-boyfriend, Sir Rustam, I thought it would be a nice thing to do, and he seemed quite pleased that I asked. I had fun making the panel, and was able to show it successfully at the event. I was happy to see it well received, and as I recall, I received quite a few bits and bobs of favor from the populace.
This panel is more simple than the Tewkesbury Abbey windows which inspired it, but that's what Korwyn preferred.