As usual, I am always on the hunt for more projects since apparently I dont have enough already.
My E.S. dress.....yeah, Im still doing it, but its been kinda on the back burner while I refigure out the headdress. Some new research has come to light and I would rather not go back and take the stupid thing apart.
The golden Burgundian gown is still draped over Sally, and it will stay there I suspect until I can stop being broken hearted over it. I am still upset that I screwed up the stupid gores and will now have to take the gore off, and piece the rest of it together. Stupid gores.....
The stained glass scroll project is going ok, but its going to cost a pretty penny and I havent talked to Myfanwy yet about that one. She might be waiting a while until I am making a crapload more money then I am now.
My guild is on pause until after BG Anniv. to give people time to freak out on the clothes they are sewing and such. We all do it, Im not going to pretend like we actually all get sleep the day before a big event. Shhyeah, right.
So with all those projects on pause or hiatus or simply waiting until looking at them doesnt cause me emotional pain, of course I had to add more crap to my 'to do' list.
First was to work out the kinks of the oven bake clay stuff. I am not going to work my butt off making golden fleece bits only to learn I have the wrong clay or it will break or whatever. So to work that out, I am working on some buttons. I will be wearing mostly 14th century at Anniv. since I just worked out the last remaining problems with my crispinettes, and I just gotta show em off. I found a picture of Margaret of Dampierre, see above, and of course she's looking all kinds of medieval fabulous. The buttons are to die for, so as I type this I am waiting for my prototype to come out of the oven. If all goes well.......and it should, Im following the instructions after all......then this should provide me with a sturdy look-a-like for gold buttons. And, best of all, it will make ready my next big clay piece.....the Golden Fleece :)
Second, if I am going to go to all this trouble to make a really cool looking fleece, then my model MUST look the part! My buddy Gaston always looks awesome (his wife can sew like it's going out of style!) but he doesnt have the uber-cool Duke Philip black tunic. Just for fun, I hit up my favorite fabric drug-dealer, fabric. com and snagged 11 yards of designer wool with free shipping for under $40. Yes, I know......I totally hit it. Anyways, so I got 4 of that 11 in gorgeous black, and its so thin you'd swear it was linen. I plan on buying the pattern after the next paycheck and getting started. I am sooooo stoked!!
So the buzzer is going off, time to go check buttons.....