Saturday, April 18, 2009

Starting the thing

So Ive ordered all the fabric I need from, and the stuff I could buy at the local JoAnns is now all together. Pretty much now its just cutting, sewing, and putting it all together.

I should have at least one viable kirtle for Lysts, more than likely the cornflower blue one that I bought the fabric for today. I also plan on finishing my red hood tonight. Tomorrow's projects are to complete the first kirtle, possibly a pair of sleeves to pin on later, and a 'coif wrap' that Im going to wear, kind of like a faux coif, to pin my hood to so that my short hair is covered.

I am having the worst luck trying to find appropriate fur edges for my Burgundian gown. Im thinking Im just going to go with black velvet or even a black linen edging since it will more than likely easier to come by. Its frustrating to say the least, but what can I do? I only have so much time, and even less money. I will do the best I can.

Hopefully things will work out.....Im hoping to make a sensation, so we shall see :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Current Project list- Lysts

Burgundian Ensemble- Lysts
Gown, teal-blue with white trim (not done)
Kirtle, soft red linen, laced up the front (not done)
Henin, black, with sheer organza veil (hat done, veil not done)
Black headband with loop (not done)
Breast bands (not done)

Flemish kirtle and hood- Lysts
Kirtle, soft red linen, laced up the front (see above)
Kirtle, soft blue linen, laced up the front (not done)
Chemise, cream bubble gauze (not done)
Blue pin-on sleeves (not done)
White coif, linen (not done)
Open hood, red linen (done)
Open hood, black linen (not done)

I am probably insane for planning all this for Lysts considering its barely 2 weeks away, but I think overall it should go together pretty quickly. I have the patterns for everything all worked up, now all I have to do is make sure I have all the fabric I need and the time to actually sew all of it. Thats going to be the tricky part.....finding the time.

Still, nothing ventured.....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

First Jewelry Project: Mary of Burgundy beaded necklace

Mary of Burgundy is definitely an inspiration. I love her style and the fact that her fashion sense is so outrageous while still hinting at ladylike reservation. One of her decorations from the portraits I have collected of her is a simple beaded necklace of black and white seed beads. Since she is a Duchess, I assume the beads would either be jet and pale jade, or more likely, glass beads made by hand. While I am not set up for lampwork, I thought achieving this necklace would still be fairly easy to achieve.

For the past three weeks, Ive been collecting packages of opaque white beads and black beads, all in the 'E' size and shape. They are all glass beads, tho I did find jet and white shell, but they weren't quite right, as they were perfectly round in shape and a bit too big. I found the black beads at Hancock fabrics (which from here on out, Ill be avoiding at all costs if I can help it as their employees are rude as hell) and the white opaque at JoAnns. I decided to use strong beading wire rather than a string so that it wont fall apart easily, and sealed the necklace using crimp beads. I will seal it further with a clear craft glue once I restock up.

The picture of the necklace alone isnt actually my necklace, but you get the idea.

In the beginning

So here we go, my first SCA blog and my first posting. I intend to use this blog to document the projects I undertake, complete, fantasize about, or just want to love/ hate on. I might also flap a little about where I am, the people I hang out with, my friends and family, and general SCA stuff. What I *wont* be doing is gossiping, posting about people in a negative way, or posting stuff that isnt really SCAish in nature. This is for my reenactment life, not my mundane life......reading about the life and times of a fledging beautician learning the ropes of a busy hair salon just isnt as thrilling.

My goals for my persona:

1) I have *got* to fill my closet again. All of my Caid clothes are just awful.....all over the place persona-wise since back then, I was all about Rustam's success, not neccessarily my own. Yeah, I was the Lady of a Knight, but I sure as hell didnt dress like one. But then again, I was 23 years old and clueless. I need new clothing, preferably all linens, summer wools, and silks, that fit my Burgundian persona. Oh, and hats. Must have hats. Big, big hats.

2) I need to find a place to do my stained glass work. My dinky little apartment and patio just isnt going to cut it.

3) I want to start making a name for myself here as a skilled costumer and basically, that means coming out, showing up in full 'regalia' and presenting my work in the best light I possibly can.

Starting out here in Bryn Gwylad with absolutely no one to speak for me, essentially making a name for myself without any help from outside sources, is going to be a daunting task. This place is devoid of households, almost anti-household in fact, and if there are peers about interested in taking students, they are either not playing or havent noticed me yet. Im a little intimidated, honestly. Just goes to show how much I did lean on Rustam during our time together.....because he was a peer, I didnt have to do much, all I had to do was drop his name or be seen on his arm or at his field when it was fighting a tourney, and my place was set. Here in Bryn Gwylad, I have no knight to escort me, no fighter to admire from the sidelines, no peer or mentor to speak well of me to strangers. Im totally on my own. Its going to be an interesting journey to say the least, not to mention a time of personal growth. No more letting others make my name for me....

Lysts is the next large event that Ill be attending, and most likely Ill be going alone. The event after that is Queen's Champion where I will be presenting a gift to Her Majesty on behalf of the Autocrat staff. Im hoping to make a positive showing at both, and start earning some reknown for myself. I just hope I dont blow it or come off as too much of a prude. I haven't enjoyed 'flirting' in a long time, and I fear Im severely out of practice.